
There are many of us who are looking for happiness. Though we may have 'lost' happiness, it is not lost for all time. We just tend to look in the wrong places.

We look for moments of happiness in food, shopping, drinking, and other vices. We look for lifelong happiness in family, spouses, friends, and careers. While some of us can make very valid attempts at forcing happiness from these areas of life, we are still forcing happiness.

Happiness is something that just comes once you have accepted a few things. First you need to be content, pleased, at peace with yourself. If you don't like who you are at your core, you will never find lasting happiness. Second, you need to accept that just like moments, happiness is fleeting. Moments pass. Both good and bad. Anything that you feel, can be felt again. Both good and bad. Third, you must accept that happiness is not the goal. If it is your goal, than you are on the wrong path. The goal is peace and truth. Once you have found these within, they can last. They are the foundation that all wonderful emotions are built upon.

Find contentment within and focus on peace and truth. Then happiness will find you.