Eagle Arms

The arms part of Eagle Pose is great for relaxing. It helps open up the shoulders and relieve stress that is held in the shoulders.

To perform Eagle Arms, stick your right arm straight out in front of you. Take the left arm across the body underneath the right arm. Bend the left elbow so that the hand is sticking straight up. Bring the hands together. Inhale as you lift the arms up. Exhale as you lower the arms in front of you. Relax through the shoulder blades. Hold for a few breaths. To come out of the pose, unwind the arms and roll the shoulders back.
Repeat with the left arm sticking straight out in front of you and the right arm underneath.

This is a really good pose for people who work on the computer for many hours. After the release of the pose, the shoulders want to roll back into their natural position, which may be farther back than you are used to having them.